Wednesday 26 September 2012

HTML and Photoshop

For yesterday's lecture, Mr. Jeffrey gave us something new. Which is creating HTML files with links inside.

Add photo
Take any photo.

Create Selection with the Slice tool under Crop
I made 5 selections, Both eyes, my nose, mouth and goatee.

File > Save for Web and Devices
Settings for the image must be JPEG High, Format it to HTML and images, save it as index.html

Edit Slice Properties
For each slice that I've made, I add a website URL and the target

Save it again for Web and Devices
Once completed, we save it again as index.html and replace the previous files.


I opened the files in the USB disk that I saved in. When the file is opened, the browser starts up with the image in the browser. Finally, I clicked on my left eye and the browser opens a new page with my blog.

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